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Project Introduction

Mission Statement A Mobile Game, Joystick gameplay with indie elements. Simple, low poly graphics with a top down, perspective viewing style. Made in Unity 5 with C#. Age rating 7+ Target Market: Mobile Users

The Pitch Kingla the lion has a huge appetite. He spends his days roaming the African savannah’s in search of food. He is not like the other lions as he needs a constant supply of energy to keep him alive. Fortunately, the savannahs are teaming with wildlife which give him free reign to gorge on the many different types of prey. The more he eats, the stronger he gets, giving him the chance to take on larger prey.

Project Timeline plan

13-01-2017 – 20 -01-2017

Create Terrain

Create example terrain for map

20-01-2017 – 27-01-2017


Create animal assets for an enemy and player avatar Implement flocking algorithm into enemy behaviour class

27-01-2017 – 03-02-2017

Asset modelling

Create Navigation mesh and adapt to enemy movement

03-02-2017 – 10-02-2017

Adapting assets and defining the navmesh

Create player character controller and add wander+flee behavioural states to the enemy

10-02-2017 – 17-02-2017

Behavioural states and enemy Death Animation

Implement enemy death animation

17-02-2017 – 24-02-2017

Fix player movement and enemy movement bugs

There is currently an error in avatar rotation. When two rigid bodies collide, the avatar gets flung. There is an error when enemies flee. When they are pushed towards the bounds of the map, an out of bound error occurs. This is possibly due to the enemy’s trying to find a point beyond the map.

24-02-2017 – 03-03-2017

Add point system and create hostile enemy

Create a hostile enemy with attacking behaviour. Add a point system which creates a floating point graphic above the enemy when damage is dealt

03-03-2017 – 10-03-2017

Create a fluid attack motion and design the map

Balance the number of enemies the player can kill within a certain time frame by creating a lunge effect to simulate a lion attack.

Create static environment prefabs and populate map

Create Player Energy Bar which depletes over time and regenerates when enemies are killed.

10-03-2017 – 17-03-2017

Fix bugs and add models for new enemies

Spend this week resolving issues and focusing on areas which need improvement

17-03-2017 – 24-03-2017

Adapt for mobile

Adapt game controls for mobile and test mobile functionality.

24-03-2017 – 31-03-2017

Start user testing and add power up elements

Start user testing by publishing first version on the app store

31-03-2017 – 06-04-2017

Fix errors and balance elements

Review Position on Development

Review Dissertation

Review and add any elements required to documents and scripts

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